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Senate Committees


The Committee on Academics shall be responsible for polices regarding academic reform and University academic policy. The Committee on Academics shall act as liaison to the Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal, the Faculty Senate committee with similar jurisdiction, the office of the Provost, the office of Admissions and Records, the Associate Vice President for Student Life Services, the Vice President of Student Services, University Libraries, the Resident Hall Association, the Nevada Career Studio and all academic advising and tutoring centers. The Committee on Academics shall also be responsible for the selection of recipients for the ASUN Transfer Student Book Fund as well as for the creation and distribution of nomination forms to students for the ASUN Faculty of the Year Award.


The Committee on Budget and Finance shall ensure responsible expenditure of Association funds. The committee shall review finance bills, review spending practices, regularly review balance sheets of ASUN accounts and provide written reports that reflect 4 these reviews, inspect budgets and expenses of agencies and departments, and generally shall extend to asking the Manager of the Nevada Wolf Shop to report to the committee at least once per semester about the financial and operating standing of the Wolf Shop as well as coordinating presentations to academic departments about the importance of professors submitting textbook requests to the Wolf Shop on time. The committee shall regularly inspect agreements that affect the Association financially and shall review and approve, through legislation, capital requests made by the President. The composition of the committee shall be no less than seven and no more than nine.


The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement shall be responsible for promoting civic engagement to the students, faculty, and administration of the university as well as the Reno community. The Committee shall be responsible for formulating policies regarding bodies of governance at the local, state, and federal level, including the Reno City Council, the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents, and the Nevada State Legislature. This committee shall voice student concerns regarding the Tuition and Fees of the University. The committee shall be responsible for working with the Center of Student Engagement Professional Staff on democratic and civic engagement initiatives such as GivePulse and the Silver Paw Award. The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement shall support academic courses that endorse activism in the local and national community. The committee shall outreach to local non-profits to provide opportunities for students to serve in the community. The committee must hold and contribute to planning the University Day of Service, Reno Education Awareness Drive, the annual Veteran’s Day lunch, and paying tribute in honor of 9/11. The Committee shall liaison with: The Office of Service Learning and Civic Engagement, President’s Assistant on Public and Campus Relations, and the Director of Campus and Public Relations.


The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shall be responsible for policies concerning the Association as it relates to matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Members of the committee are expected to advocate on behalf of underrepresented groups, address student concerns within its jurisdiction, and, in addition to Senators added pursuant to Rule IX of the Rules of the Senate, will also consist of the Director of Diversity and Inclusion who shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee. In conjunction with the ASUN Department of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of the University Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Student Services’ First-Generation Student Center, The Center, Every Student. Every Story., Disability Resource Center, the Hate and Bias Response Team, Veteran Services, the Office of International Students and Scholars, and any additional departments or organizations that share the committee’s mission, the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shall be provided to the aforementioned departments and organizations at the discretion of the committee, with the committee chair serving as liaison to the Faculty Senate committee with similar jurisdiction, as well as the Equity and Inclusion Committee within the University Office of Diversity and Inclusion.


The Committee on Government Operations shall be responsible for reviewing bills regarding the operations of the government of the Association, resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Associated Students, formulating election procedures, considering amendments to the Rules of the Senate, and reviewing matters of controversy in Senate procedure.


The Committee on Oversight shall be responsible for evaluating the nature of Senate absences, reviewing personnel matters, and conducting investigations regarding the impeachment of Governmental Officials, in accordance with the Senate punitive powers. The Committee shall be composed of the chairpersons of the Standing and Special Committees, the Speaker Pro-Tempore, the Parliamentarian and chaired by the Speaker of the Senate. The Speaker of the Senate shall not have voting power except when the Speaker’s vote would be decisive. Those who attend conferences on behalf of ASUN will be required to present to the committee discuss the educational value of the conference and how they will use what they learned to better the Association within two scheduled oversight meetings upon arrival back from the conference. The Committee also has jurisdiction over all nominations to office within ASUN, which require the consent of the Senate, the jurisdiction of the other committees to the contrary notwithstanding. The committee shall also meet to discuss updates, business and any concerns regarding each of the standing committees, the internship, and parliamentary procedures. The Committee on Oversight, acting as the check on the Senate and the Executive Branch of ASUN, shall be responsible for reviewing, questioning and/or requiring updates from ASUN student officers and their respective departments


The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness shall be responsible for policies concerning campus wide departments regarding student safety and wellness, including but not limited to: Facilities Services, university Housing, University Police, Student Health Services, Counseling Center, Campus Dining, Title IX Office, The Student Wellness Advisory Group, the ASUN Director of Sustainability and the ASUN Director of Campus Wellness. The Committee shall develop relationships with mental and physical health related student organizations. The Committee shall assist and consult the Director of Sustainability in the promotion of sustainable campus initiatives, the Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund, and events such as Public Lands Day, Earth Day, and Arbor Day. The Committee shall be responsible for legislation regarding sustainable practices on and off campus, any policy concerning student health and student safety on campus and in the community, as well as anything else that the Chair finds pertinent to the Committee. The Committee will also work with the Director of Campus Wellness to allot at least four days within the academic year for the promotion of health and wellness and resources available to students.